Gardening in Florida
Saturday, September 30, 2017
So many white peacock (Anartia jatrophae) butterflies this summer. Could it be because our fog fruit has taken over? #butterfly #whitepeacock #feedthebutterflies #nolawn
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Sunday, September 24, 2017
Aloe flowering. We have never see this before excited to watch. #cactuslove #succulents #aloeveraflower #gardeningfl
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Wednesday, September 20, 2017
Fermenting my hot sauces. On left is habanero, Tabasco, Kim chi sauce. On right is Aji pepper sauce. Both have other added ingredients for flavor. I can tell you the jar on the left will get it done!! In 7 days after fermentation I will cook it down and blend again. #hotsauce #myownpepperhotsauce#firsttimehotsaucer#fermentation #gardeningfl
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Tuesday, September 5, 2017
White Peacock butterfly having his way with his mate!! Come on man quit staring!! #nature#whitepeacockbutterfly #gettinsome#loveisintheair #gardeningfl
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Saturday, September 2, 2017
Caterday afternoon nap. Bindi slightly annoyed at an awakening for a photo op. #caturday #poppycatsister@poppycat
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We got a long branch of Gumbo Limbo tree from our friend who told us to simply dig a deep hole, and drop it in. To our great surprise our branch has many sprouts after 1 month. I think this is amazing. I just bet our neighbors were shaking their heads as I watered the branch protruding by itself from the ground!! #gardeningfl #nativefloweringtrees #gumbolimbo#growfromacutting#branchpropigation
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