Gardening in Florida
Thursday, August 31, 2017
Capsaicin!! Tabasco peppers 🌶 a poppin!! I am going to find a good recipe for these!! We have been scoring some nice capsaicin lately. Our Aji plant is kicking them out. We have a few Kimchi , Chili, habanero and the wri wri pepper blooming the heat. #hotsauce #gardeningfl #plantheat #capsaicin #bringontheheat.
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Wednesday, August 23, 2017
Our cassava is over a year old now and hopefully the tubers below are well developed. We will definitely post when we harvest. Maybe even a harvest video! #cassava#gardeninginfl #tropicalshrubs #foodthatfeedsthesoul#tubers #yuca
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Tuesday, August 22, 2017
Banana boulevard in all its glory! Currently 16 cultivars of banana and plantain! We love being inside it's canopy. #bananacrazy#goongbananas#tropicalfruit #growingfruit #tropicals #gardeninginfl #tropicalvariety
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Sunday, August 6, 2017
Attention butterfly 🦋 gardeners. Keep milkweed sap very far from your eyes and wash your hands. Today's trip to urgent care is sponsored by milkweed sap. This weepy eye will need steroid drops and a visit to the eye Dr!!#milkweedsap#butterflygarden #
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Thursday, August 3, 2017
Harvest from the yard. Mangos, guavas, avocados, and Barbados cherries 🍒!! If you never had a really ripe Barbados cherry, it's like a citrus flavored cherry very juicy with 2 to 3 pits! Delicious 😋. #growingfruit #tropicalfruit #gardeninginfl #tropicals #tropicalsuperfruit #growyourown #humidgardener
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